Allergy Testing & Treatment IN Delray Beach FL

We now offer allergy testing in Delray Beach FL, and allergy desensitization treatment without injections, at Holistic Primary Care of Delray Beach.
People often think they have allergies because they have "allergy" symptoms, but they have never been tested to identify what allergen, if any, could be causing the problem. All they know is that at various times of the year, they get the typical allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, and congestion, but there are other symptoms like chronic sinus infections, strep throat, asthma, eye infections, nasal polyps, chronic ear infections, and migraine headaches that could also be caused by allergies. Common skin ailments like hives and eczema are treated as chronic illnesses when they could be allergy-driven.
AllerFocus™ gives us the ability to do a quick, painless allergy skin test, and offers options for patients to become desensitized to allergens and the symptoms that come with it. Contact us today for more information on the AllerFocus™ allergy testing and treatment options.
Our Method In Delray Beach FL
Allergy testing is made simple with FDA-approved technology. One simple 15-minute test will identify 78 of the most common local airborne allergens. Additional positive and negative controls are also included in the test to demonstrate effectiveness.
Only the highest quality glycerinated extracts are used to ensure efficacious positives. Positives are easy to read, measure, and record. Possible patients eligible for allergy testing include those suffering from asthma, chronic cough, sinusitis, as well as allergic rhinitis, and conjunctivitis patients.
AllerFocus™ offers a Broad Spectrum Immunotherapy Compounded Pharmacy Product to deliver sublingual (drops under the tongue) therapy. Patients receive SLIT(Sublingual Immunotherapy) is self-administered by the patient at home after receiving the first dose in the office following the dosing schedule sent with the prescription.
Patients want long-term solutions to their allergies & asthma, not just symptom control with "pharmacological management." AllerFocus™ immunotherapy options modify and desensitize the immune system's response to the allergens over the long term.
Our practitioner will first use allergy testing to confirm the patient has sensitivities. Once this is determined, an allergen extract formulation is prescribed. The patient is directed to keep it under the tongue for one to two minutes and then swallow it. The process is repeated once a day with recommendations that therapy is continued to develop lasting immunity. The immunotherapy safely builds up the body's tolerance and decreases sensitivity to the allergens causing the problems and creates a path toward better health. The sublingual drops are not a medication, but a sterile saline solution with micro doses of the allergens. The allergens build up in the body until you are desensitized.
Most clinical trials and surveys published over at least 20 years show that SLIT is safe and effective for the treatment of rhinitis, itchiness, and asthma caused by allergies to dust mites, grass, ragweed, cat dander, tree pollens, and more.
You can still continue to take allergy medications while the SLIT therapy is building up in your system.
Convenience = better compliance= better outcomes
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Contact us for Telehealth scheduling
Holistic Primary Care of Delray Beach
111 SE 1st Ave #102B
Delray Beach, FL 33444